the snooze button
or the thing that i am going to break off of boyfriend's alarm clock and use as my weapon to kill him with!
how annoying is this- boyfriend sets his freaking alarm for about an hour before he has to get out of bed. AN HOUR! and he snoozes the entire time. DO YOU THINK I WANT TO WAKE UP EVERY 10 MINUTES FOR A FUCKING HOUR? no, i don't.
he won't be reasonable either. i beg and plead with him to set the alarm for about 20 minutes before he wants to wake up. i can tolerate that. but this hour crap has got to stop. i want to sleep. i need my sleep. and i don't understand why he tortures me with this?!?! maybe he thinks it's funny? maybe he likes to snooze for 29348920353 minutes before he wakes up. but maybe he should start thinking that it affects my sleeping! and i'm the one who has to get up with blake at night when/if he wakes up. lord knows that boyfriend is just snoring right through any of that nonsense. so when it comes to morning- give me peace. give me sleep. i just don't understand this freaking snooze button phenomenon. who the hell invented this anyway? i'll kill them next.
point says:
For my entire life i have woken up with a snooze period. its like a gentle reminder that i need to start getting up. I set it for about 5:20 and i get out of bed at about 6. But there are more reasons.
1. I HATE setting my alarm clock. i have the alarm clock curse.....i'm the guy that shows up to work 20 minutes late and says "my alarm didnt go off. i set it. i double checked it....and it didn't go off." It didn't go off this morning as a matter of fact. i have alarm clock paranoia.
2. I have a job that i have to be there BY 7 am. I could get there at 2am if i wanted to. But sometimes i need to be in there at 6. so this way if i know i have to be in by six i just dont snooze. granted that's not that often.....even though now i think im gonna start going in at 6 more.
3. My Alarm is set to talk radio (right wing hate radio for those that dont know me) so its not like metallica starts up ride the lightning every morning. its people talking and i keep it low and quiet........
4. I will give jenn that she tends to blake in the middle of the night (as she should....that being women's work and all) but i also feel, like i get the shit end of the stick in the sleep total at the end of the week. every night at about 10 im ready to be asleep......but she gets home later than me so it's too early. so i stay up till around 11:00 or 11:30.....then i wake up by 6:20 and she gets to sleep another hour. so at the end of the week im shithoused on sleep. so the way i see it since i dont get 5 extra hours of sleep a week i should be able to SNOOZE
jennster says:
why are you going to start going in at 6???? and i hate right wing talk radio.. i do not want to hear their bullshit ringing in my ear every morning. or ever. double ugh.
ps - we RARELY go to bed after 11. our sleep and work times are a whole other discussion. good gravy.
point says:
because dumbshit got fired and it would be opportunistic for me to put in some extra effort right now and christmas and all that is around the corner and i could use the overtime. right wing radio is the best. WE ALWAYS go to bed after 11. are you fucking high? oh wait, i forgot your hammered right now.......
i have to live with this..........
jennster says:
he is totally lying. well not about the me hammered part because 1 glass of wine puts me over the edge these days. and 2 glasses has me floating in the wind. floating in the wind? that's not even a saying. i'm so lame when i'm drunk. my point is that we do NOT go to bed after 11 often. but like i said before- that is a conversation for another time! as in, NOT NOW.
pss- i am all for the snooze button. i fully support it. but in moderation. snooze button abuse should be grounds for some kind of beating. the end.
Labels: Ster and point
36 Say it:
Well. As part of the right wing conspiracy, I have to say that William Bennett can get pretty nasty sometimes. Just kidding, Bill!
As for the snooze, thing, my husband does the same thing. He'll snooze for 30-45 minutes. Ugh. I hate that. I have the alarm on my side of the bed, too. My only saving grave is that he always asks me to set it, so I make sure I know exactly when he HAS to get up. You could always put the alarm on your side, jenn, and just turn it off when it first goes off. Then he'd have to get up!
I'm a snoozer. Or at least I used to be, pre Mike. Now he has full control of the alarm clock. My problem wasn't that I needed to hit snooze a million times, it's that I hit snooze IN MY SLEEP and don't even know that I'm doing it. SO I'd need a whole hour of that before I'd get out of the morning fog.
Now that I have Mike, he's my snooze button. He gets up the SECOND the alarm goes off. Like the first note of the song! He turns it off before I even hear it. I think he turns it off 30 seconds BEFORE it goes off. Then he wakes me up. Goes in the shower (I roll over and go back to sleep) Then if the baby hasn't woken me up before he's done with the shower....he wakes me up for real. It's so much better than the snooze. =) HUSBAND SNOOZE!
And OMG If I had to listen to Right Wing Talk Radio I'd kill myself!!!! Wait, actually I'd kill Point first....then turn it off and go back to sleep. =)
we each have our own alarm clocks! so that's the first problem, obviously! lol
this morning he had it BLASTING jenn. BLASTING.. thank the goddess it was blasting commercials and none of their talking. lol
My wife does the snooze thing...
Sometimes it makes me want to cut off her tit. ;)
"floating in the wind"
I need to write that one down.
This might be why Lucy and Ricky Ricardo slept in separate beds.
I'm the snoozer at our house. This gives me no guilt whatsoever, because Eric snores all night. If I can interrupt his morning sleep just a little bit with the snooze alarm, then it's a good thing.
My husband does the same damn thing! Snooze for an hour. If he needs help getting up in the morning you should give him a little push of the foot and he sure to wake up when he hits the floor. God love you Jenn...your awesome!
steven- cut off her tit?!?! LMFAO!!!! dont' do that though, cause then you'd have one less funbag to play with.
rwa- copyright jennster man! but you can use it!
jill- LOL.. i sleep through boyfriends snoring, but that damn alarm clock.. grrrr
s-mama... the fucker would get right back into bed and annoy me! i know he would! :)
Okay, first, I can understand why anyone would be pissed off if they had to wake up to that right wing crap Point is listening to. I mean, what the hell is that? What crazies listen to that shit? Give me the Metallica any day, please.
Two, "women's work"? Shit, Jenn, don't reproduce with Point. You'll be up all night tending to the children and up and oh-dark-thirty listening to fascist radio.
And, three, "floating in the wind" is cute, yes, but I believe the correct saying is, "3 sheets to the wind", and I think you both are in that state of mind.
You know I love you both. :)
Hey, I might be 3 sheets to the wind as well...I meant to say "and up AT oh-dark-thirty..." blah, blah, blah. :)
OK, I can't believe I'm about ready to say this because I never agree with Point on pretty much anything (not that I don't think he's a wonderful person, clearly he is otherwise jennster wouldn't have chosen him, but because I'm a little more liberal) but he's totally right here. OK, it might have something to do with the fact that I ALSO SNOOZE A ZILLION TIMES. There's it's out there. Anyone need a roomie for BlogHer 2007???
Oh, and I also have it set to right wing radio. Not because I love it, but because 1) NPR doesn't come in clearly in our house and 2) I love to chuckle at whatever the right wingers are upset about that morning so much that it is actually a part of the process of getting me out of bed. It really is an interesting way to start the day.
Sorry, Jennster, but Point totally has my solidarity on this one. For those of us who cannot just pop out of bed, waking up is a long grueling process and we have to mentally prepare.
I do have to say one thing.....if ANYTHING could get me to jump out of bed it would be right wing radio. Especially if it was across the room!
On the second word I heard I'd be over there bashing the radio in. And then VOILA I'd be awake!
You should post more often after a bit of wine, cause you're cracking my ass up. I'm going to be honest here and say, I'm like Point. Sorry. I need that time or I just can't function. Our alarm goes off at 6am and Hubby gets up right away and hits snooze. He showers and leaves and I continue to hit snooze until 7:15 and then I get up. I am a nicer person because of it. Now the right wing radio, I'm not into, but I put it on some annoying morning show, so eventually I do get up, just to turn the assholes off.
Add in some snoring, loud sighing, well-timed coughs / sneezes, and grunty tossing and turning, and that's a pretty typical night/early morning scenario at my house.
everyone- i said i'm all for the snooze button... but not when it wakes me up every 10 minutes for an hour. it's not fair.
i'm going to start a club against snooze button abuse!!! who's with me?! LOL
Sorry, 'Ster, but this is one thing I'm not with you on. It would kill my vitality to wake up to the alarm clock like a normal person. Heh.
Oh, and the club that is pro-snoozing 1,001 times every morning's motto would be, "Snoozing once is like not snoozing at all." Seriously, I don't even think I remember the first 3-4 snoozes.
Btw, can you tell how passionate I am about snoozing? I think I'll comment on this about 10 more times today!
stephanie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will hunt you down and physically harm you! LOL
you are killin me!
I'm with Pickle. I hit it every ten minutes. If I don't have a good hour of hitting the snooze every ten minutes, I am not my lovely self...LMAO. Pickle, can I join your club?
OMG. You two crack me up. I'm so glad my hubby doesn't snooze. I get up before him so I wake him up everyday. Poor guy!
What is this "sleep" you are speaking of??
and besides i cant do get up in the middle of the night cuz blake would be bat the male im the guy that turns on the light and says "whats the problem.....Okay......well thats not gonna happen.....go to bed
:light off:
I LOVE THE SNOOZE BUTTON!! My hubby used to hate it. It has taken 13 years of marriage, but he is a snoozer now.... you will be too.... oh, yeah -- loving that snooze goodness.... you know you want to.... all the cool kids are doing it.... go ahead... hit the snooze -- you know you want to.....
but grim- i DO snooze... but when i do it, it's not affecting anyone else's sleep!
That was the best "he said/she said"!!! You guys crack me up.
That said, I think snooze alarms should only be for single people because they in no way benefit or amuse those who don't require them. When my hubby's goes off, I want to threaten to kick him to the couch or throw the alarm out the window!
I have to say that I used to snooze for over an hour when I was younger, then I realized that maybe it would be better to actually sleep the extra hour. I still hate getting up right away, but I force it. If I don't, neither Jenn or I would ever make it anywhere!
Jennster - Jenn has her owm alarm clock too, but she doesn't use it. The only time Jenn gets up right away is if Allie is screaming.
Jennster, I need you to tell me right now if Point is joking about this "woman's work" thing. Because if you do have a baby together, he needs to understand that there is no such thing as a normal night's sleep for MONTHS, sometimes a YEAR or more. He will need to be willing to get up, in the middle of the night, from a deep sleep, and change diapers, bring you the baby to nurse or fix a bottle of formula, rock the baby back to sleep, night after night after night. It absolutely HAS to be a Team Effort or the sleep deprivation will KILL you. Just my two cents.
As for the alarm thing, my husband has to get up at 6:30, so he sets the buzzer on the alarm clock for 6:10 and the radio for 6:20, and hits the snooze after that. I asked him why he didn't just set it once for 6:30, and he said he likes to wake up a little bit so he can GROPE ME before work. HA, that's a man for ya.
OMG I posted the same damn thing a few months ago... seriously ster you might want to reconsider marrying this guy :)
One word: earplugs.
elizabeth.. i am laughing so hard right now.. point says woman's work to cause a ruckus and get a rise out of me. and you. LOL
it is womans work......why is it so hard for females to understand there role......
and why do you have to change the diapers in the middle of the night....why not just wait till morning becuase they are just going to get them dirty again..
High-fived Point in the supermarket on Friday as to the fact that snooze alarms rock and we both agreed there must be something about you September 12th people and the damn snooze alarm. Frank isn't as nice as you though, he shakes me everytime the alarm goes off to tell me it is going off. Not a whole lot of snoozing after that jostling.
Ugh! Each and every time Hubby abuses the snooze-privilege I just wanna kick him outta bed (which is pretty much every. friggin. day of the week! He complains that I set the alarm too early, but hey! Once that buzz goes off I'm up and outta bed without disturbing him for more than maybe a minute. With him he'll snooze for damn near an hour leaving me bleary-eyed and even more tired when I finally do get up. What's with that??
What is this snooze button you speak of? Sounds like some type of waking device. I wouldn't know of such things--I have two little kids that think their in the Marines and whose favorite songs is revely.
I'm such a snoozer...but it only affects me. But, when b/f is over he sets his cell phone alarm and it's super f*ing loud and he snoozes it forever and it makes me jump every time and I swear one of these mornings, I will beat him. Or flush his phone.
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