Eric Says:
A boy needs a dog. Scratch that. A kid needs a dog. All four of our kids are clamoring for a dog, but Jill has made the executive decision that we don't need one. It's like the woman has never seen Old Yeller or something. Heartless.
I don't really get the objection. It's not like she's opposed to pets. After all, she was the genius who decided that a third cat was a good idea. That third cat put us right into the same category as a handful of maiden aunts with subscriptions to Cat Fancy magazine. Mercifully, we are back down to two cats. . . but still!
We have also been the proud parents of several fish, two ant colonies, five metamorphisizing butterflies and a hamster named Puff Daddy. So why not a dog? Everyone needs a best friend.
Jill Says:
You already have a best friend, buddy, and your best friend says that she has no interest in cleaning up dog excrement with plastic bread wrappers wrapped round her hand. Yuck! I've spent enough years of my life cleaning up human urine from small boys with poor aim.
Besides, we don't even love the pets we have. Remember when one of the cats disappeared in the middle of winter and then turned up again four months later at a pet hospital 15 miles away? Instead of celebrating our cat's amazing adventure and miraculous recovery, your reaction was to curse the shelter we got her from for inserting a chip in her head that allowed the pet hospital to trace her back to us.
Oh, and then there's little Puff Daddy. The boys accidentally starved him to death. Remember that?
Look, a dog is a lot of work and needs a lot of attention. No matter what the kids may say now, you know that we will be the ones walking the dog in the middle of the winter and cleaning up its messes. No Dogs.
BTW: Old Yeller had rabies.
16 Say it:
Oh Mike and I have this argument all the time. I want a dog! Whenever I lived somewhere that allowed dogs (read: my parent's house) I've always had one.
Mike seems to think - like you - that he's gonna be the one walking and cleaning up after it. We also have two cats that he says we don't pay enough attention to. The only argument that I can see his point on is the fact that we both work full time and the dog will be home all day alone.
BUT if and when I stay home with the kids. I'm totally wining, and the dog will be mine!!
Jill: you are probably right though and you will end up taking care of the dog. No kids ever keep their promises about that.
We have a dog. I love our dog.
BUT I tell people NOT to get a dog unless one of the adults is truly a 'dog person.' I am not a 'dog person,' and would not have a dog by myself. They are a lot of work and a lot of money. I am not talking about the up front cost of the dog. I am talking about the carpet stains, chewed up toys, chew treats, ruined furniture, chewed up shoes, etc.
Your family should stick to cats. Sorry, Eric, but you never had to pick up the poop left behind from Glory since we lived near the woods. More than likely, where you live now, a dog would just be pooping in your yard. Unless you plan to hire that handy man of yours to come scoop up the poop....
I used to be like Mike. I thought every family needed a dog. Well, having changed approximately 6,000 diapers over the last 17 months - we are not adding anything to this family that will not someday be able to clean up it's own excrement.
i want a dog BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!! hell, i want like 12!!!! it makes me sad that we don't have a dog for blake- we NEED a dog! ilove dogs! i miss having dogs in my house... I WANT ONE! and i don't want to share him.lol
Yeah, getting a dog is a big deal. I agree that kids should have a dog (at least once!), but you know good ol' / poor ol' Mom is usually the one who's out there walking the dog, feeding the dog, bathing the dog, taking the dog to the vet, giving the dog the medicine ... !
I love dogs, so don't get me wrong, but I don't think it's fair to them unless someone is going to be home with them most of the time. They'll be neglected (like the cats!)
We have 4 dogs so I am probably not the right person to toss in my 2 cents...
Dogs are a fuckload of work and if you break down and get one go for a 1 year old and NO PUPPIES! I will never EVER go through the hell of crate training and housebreaking a friggin' dog...
lmfao!!! puff daddy .. i love it !!
I know five people in my mommy-circle of friends who have dogs. Guess who's in charge of taking care of doggy-duties as well as overseeing the day-to-days of childrearing?
My two cents? Wait until the kids are old enough to understand and accept the responsibilities of having a dog and, gosh darnit, be able to back up every word you say regarding it.
PS. my mother got me a dog when I was in the fifth grade. I 'participated' in caring for it but by the time I reached middle school I barely stepped into the backyard to pay her any attention... *sigh*
It was a sad sad day when our sweet kitty died last year, but I can't help enjoying the fact that we are now 100% PET FREE!
I refuse to even discuss the mere idea of another animal of any kind until the last child is out of diapers. And if we are ever insane enough to entertain the thought of getting a dog, we are going to borrow one first--for a good two weeks--and see if these kids really will take care of it just like they promise they will.
I'm a dog lover - the bigger the better - so, go Jenn! I've also cleaned up after them, walked them, etc. and I understand not wanting to have to deal with that.
However, what really frosts me is the final comment, "BTW: Old Yeller had rabies." That is sooo unfair! He got the frackin' rabies from defending the family from a rabid animal (wolf or fox, I believe). sheesh!
Sorry Anonymous. Old Yeller was a good dog, to be sure. Didn't mean to insult him. Fortunately we live in the city and don't run into rabid wolves much.
How can a dog owner look anything but dorkish standing there holding a leash,while waiting for Bruno to finish his private doings IN PLAIN SIGHT!
Here is a conundrum for you. Do you say "hi" to someone standing there holding the leash, or do you just avert your eyes to spare them further humiliation.
Dogs smell like, ..."dog". Their tongues hang out and they drip saliva. They sniff,...everything. They roll in stuff, and they BARK,BARK,BARK,BARK,BARK.
Dogs are ok, I just feel so sorry for them and their long suffering owners.
I have a 25 year old son who loves his dog, but just getting out of college he still lives home and that means that as the mom I still do a lot of dog walking, picking up crap etc. etc. but the love and affection a dog gives is like no other. It teaches kids and people in general about affection and responsibility.
Dave and I agree on that one, we love dogs but when it comes to getting one, well we can love and play with other people's dog!!!
Thanks for stopping by... We have agreed not to have any pets whatsoever, so I can't really help with that dilema. Love the he said/she said style of your blog, however. Very cool background as well. :)
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