SuperBowl Sunday is fast approaching and with it our son's future career becomes a hot topic.
John: (with a gleam in his eye) I will be soooo proud of Jordan when he gets a football scholarship! I can just envision myself wearing his jersey in the stands, cheering my heart out as he dives for a touchdown-saving tackle!
Jen: (rolling her eyes) Jordan's never going to play football.
John: Are you crazy??
Jen: Look, yeah football's great and all. Rah-rah, shish-boom bah! But I can't stand the thought of allowing him to play a sport in which he could potentially injure himself with lifelong effects. I've known too many guys who've played even a little bit of football and, to this day, are still suffering the effects from it. What's the point of it all anyway? There are plenty of other sports out there.
John: You're just being a protective mommy. "I don't want my baby to get hurt." Jordan can play any sport he wants. Some sports are less physical than others, but football happens to be the most popular american sport there is. Why do you think the Superbowl is so big. Everybody's going to be barbecuing on Sunday, getting ready for the big game; watching ESPN highlights of the big plays, the big hits! Yes, it's a physical sport, but you can get hurt in any sport. You can get hurt crossing the street! Football is great because it's a team sport. It teaches discipline to prepare yourself physically and mentally so you can perform at the highest of your abilities.
Jen: Puh-lease. There are just as many team sports out there that don't deliver as many broken bodies as football does. What about soccer? Or, or the swim team?...
John: Or, tennis. (chuckle, chuckle) Or how about the chess team? C'mon, what're you gonna say to him when all of his friends are playing football and his 'mommy' won't let him play?
Jen: Okay, back off of the tennis because I happen to really like tennis; albeit being played by my EX. And chess??!! Okay, that's low. Y'know, I honestly won't have a problem letting him play football with all his buddies when they all go off to the field and do whatever. I guess my problem would lie in not giving him the opportunity to learn about and play other sports. I don't want to become the type of parent who pushes him into "being a linebacker" or "the quarterback" just because his daddy thinks football is THE greatest sport of all time. I just want him to know that it's not just a sport, that it takes a lot out of your body and that over time it's going to take a toll. If he can weigh all of those factors in and still tell me that playing football is what he wants to do with his life then I will be his biggest fan, unconditionally.
John: Great. I won't push him. I never planned to push him. But I can't help slightly influencing him on the sports that I like most. It's realistic that I'm going to open the doors to the opportunity of playing any sport that he's interested in. And if he doesn't like football I'll be okay. But if he does, I'LL be his biggest fan - unconditionally.
Jen: Fine. But seriously, what's wrong with tennis?
Labels: John and Jenn
9 Say it:
Jen - Nothing is wrong with tennis..........if you want him to run around in those little white skirts moaning like a bitch everytime he hits the ball!! ;op
John - I agree, you're influence will persuade him to do things without you even trying.
blake plays football and i don't think twice. i think you can get hurt playing ANY sport. they are wearing so many damn pads and a helmet.... you should let him play IF HE WANTS TOO
My husband (mike, for the other readers) is an ass! There is nothing wrong with tennis, and some guys who play tennis are ALL MAN! He's such a dork!
Football when they are young is fine, and I think is a great group sport. But to be honest, I've seen hardcore highschool, and even worse College Football, and there pretty fucked up!
I'd stear my child away from attempting to be good enough to get a scholarship and play REAL HARDCORE FOOTBALL.
As the parent of a high school football star, I gotta say that I would MUCH prefer that he letter in Quiz Bowl. . . . Of course, that's never going to happen.
Oh yeah, tennis is so feminine... just as Andy Roderick, Pete Sampras or John McEnroe.
Boy... those guys are such sissies in their skirts.
Please, isn't this 2007? Aren't we just a teeny bit past the whole macho crap?
My younger son plays tennis so I guess I better watch out for him "moaning like a little bitch".
I know that was supposed to be a funny comment, but it really was offensive.
I'm sorry Kristin. I didn't mean to offend you. It was meant more sarcastic than anything else.
When I was a kid, there were tennis courts in my development and I was there every day during the summer playing. I really don't think there's anyting wrong with tennis.
Meh - upon rereading my comment, I think I come off as a little bit too hostile... but, thanks, Mike... I secretly love you and Jen and baby Allie and would hate not to be friends.
I have a girl and pray to God she interested in martial arts over ballet!
"I just want him to know that it's not just a sport, that it takes a lot out of your body and that over time it's going to take a toll. If he can weigh all of those factors in and still tell me that playing football is what he wants to do with his life then I will be his biggest fan, unconditionally."
Oh puh-lease, what 8 year old (or they start them younger now) is going to be able to weigh all these factors? He's just going to say, "Whatever mom, I'll be fine." Or even more probable he'll say, "Joey's mom is letting him do it. Oh please, please, please. *insert pouty lip*" And that will be the end of it. Plus Mike's already on board so I think you already lost this one.
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